Newsletter Issue No: 3

A remake of the 3rd newsletter. It is sometimes necessary to remake newsletters and videos due to some unpleasant situation.

Here we go! Newsletter for January 2019.

I always ask people permission to use any input or photos. I will not publish the name of someone or photos of their vehicle without their permission. At this stage I request the same respect. Should anyone report my vehicle or content in some publication without my permission... Well, that's not on! We should respect peoples requests, privacy and sharing preferences.

Video for Issue No:3... A remake of the original.

Photos: My campsite.
For my blog readers... In the following photos I actually edited or removed a vehicle and other stuff from the photos! This require some skill using photo editing software. I described this on my photo blog with a few examples. Sometimes the editing can show no error, such as in photo 1 and 3 here... but photo 2 does show a "lost" area.

You can follow this on my photo blog at this link:

Please respect my privacy preferences!
Photos and content. ©Johan du Toit