Well, I suppose, there's some truth in that but I really like my 2 day trips!
I was trying to get the google drive link for the PDF online, but it didn't work. I'll obtain it using my other computer and will add it later.
As I mentioned in the newsletter, a lot of my subscribers are interested to know how I keep myself busy and what I'm doing. I suppose this newsletter cover just that!
It is fine to travel and tour but home base needs to be just as comfortable! The one thing I look forward to, living in my "new" flat is my Spur table!
One of my subscribers just commented... "All the changes in plans"... Very good comment! At one stage the idea was to create 2 small units based on the "tiny house movement". I still feel that would have been the better option! BUT, after a lot of discussion... may I add, arguments... the larger flat of 40 square meter had to be the way as a stand alone one bed-roomed apartment.
The following picture was one of my initial plans.
Since I published the newsletter, things are moving. I'm now at the point to get a plaster guy in to help getting the new and raw walls finished.
Basically, after plastering, I can fit the stoep ceiling and fit the windows. Then the place is closed! If I place my wardrobe in the arch facing bathroom side, I have a almost finished section to live.
I had to get some help with plastering!
Video on the progress and ideas...
Then I could use my time to do the rest of the work in front in my own time.
Thanks for following my adventures, on the road and here at home!
Please read my sharing preferences on the home-page of this blog.
Photos and content: ©Johan du Toit